New Test Can Pinpoint How Long You'll Live

"Alexa, Is My Husband Having an Affair?"

If you suspect that your husband or wife might be straying, there’s no need to go snooping. Just ask Alexa »

Pictures Reveal Russia’s Secret “Mach 7” Spacecraft

News agency RIA Novosti just published images of a hypersonic Russian spacecraft that can…

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Tags: Alexa Apple

Get Ready for the "Bitcoin Bounce"

It’s been a brutal year for crypto-currencies.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and hundreds of other cryptos have gotten crushed, falling 80% or more from their peaks.

But everything is about to change...

You see, we believe we’ve hit rock bottom. And now — just like it’s happened 12 times before — cryptos…

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Tags: Bear market Cryptocurrencies

Buying Opportunity of the Decade

Every decade or so, a new bull market emerges…

And for investors who get the timing right, great fortunes are made.

It happened in the late 90s during the dot-com era, and it happened again in the 2000s with bank stocks.

You might think the key is getting in “early,”…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Rebound

Amazon Is for Sale

The Latest Craze in Romance: Refriger-Dating

A new dating app sends you "matches" based on the contents of their fridge. Huh, so it really is what's on the inside that counts. Get the scoop here »

Google Owes You Money

Every day, just by surfing the Internet, you give…

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Tags: Amazon Google

Crypto discovery of a lifetime…

Yesterday, Matt told you about a discovery we just made.

We call it “The Shadow Market.”

This is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.

You see, this underground market is consistently leading a small group of crypto insiders to earn enormous profits — even while other crypto investors suffer extraordinary…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Shadow market

EXPOSED: Crypto "Shadow Market"

This is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before…

After an exhaustive investigation that lasted months, we recently uncovered a remarkable crypto investing strategy.

And now, based on our discovery, we’ll show you how you could use this strategy to earn massive profits…

Even while the crypto market continues to crash!

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Profits

Three Profit Secrets for a Falling Crypto Market

There’s no sugarcoating it:

The crypto market is dropping like a rock.

And as Matt explained yesterday, even though the fundamentals that underpin cryptos are only getting stronger, this bear market could linger for some time.

But here’s the thing:

You can still make money in a bear market!


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Tags: Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies

Cryptos Set for Comeback in 2019?

One of the most hated assets in the world right now is crypto-currencies — and with good reason:

Over the past 12 months, the crypto market has collapsed by 80% or more.

But surprisingly, a group of “insiders” is still pouring money into this market.

Are they blindly optimistic? Foolish?…

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Tags: Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies

Cure for Cancer Discovered in the Holy Land

New Laser Can Deliver Secret Messages

Using cell phones to communicate is so old fashioned. Instead, try out MIT’s new laser system: now, secret messages can be delivered directly into your ears. See how it works »

Get Paid To Use Facebook

Some consumers are getting paid by Facebook…

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Tags: Alexa Facebook