Elon Musk Needs Your Help

Never Wait in Line Again

A grocery store chain is introducing a “smart cart” that eliminates one of the biggest hassles of shopping: waiting in line. Learn more here »

This Doorbell Keeps You Safe — But Not for the Reason You Might Think

Video doorbells can help keep…

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Tags: Elon musk Jetpack

Retire with One Investment?

Yesterday, Matt laid out his “doomsday” scenario for the economy, the market, and your retirement plans.

But even if you think the worst-case scenario won’t happen, one thing is clear:

The stock market is no longer the growth engine it once was. I mean, with all the headwinds we’re facing…

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Tags: Private market Profits

This is Your Doomsday Warning

President-elect Joe Biden is walking into a minefield.

And no, I’m not referring to security risks at his inauguration today…

I’m referring to the minefield that’s threatening all of us:

A stock market that’s untethered from reality.

You see, despite bad news from every direction — the coronavirus, inflation, unemployment,…

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Tags: Joe biden Stock market

Follow this rule for 1,000% returns…

Startups are a strange animal.

Even though they have the potential to hand investors like you life-changing profits…

They also have a high probability of failing.

Makes sense. After all, startups are new enterprises searching for a profitable business model.

The thing is, identifying a profitable business model can take…

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Tags: Early stage-investing Startups


If you’re anything like me, you’ve had it with all the bad news.

Bad news about the drama in Washington, D.C…

Bad news about the economy…

Bad news about the coronavirus impacting your health and wealth.

Enough already!

Which is why I’m going to talk about something different today:


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Tags: Double digit-returns Real estate

[Breaking] The New “Richest Person in the World”

Make Your Bike Electric

Electric bikes are a great way to get around. But shared bikes can be hard to find, and buying your own can be expensive. This clever attachment might be the perfect solution. Check it out here »

New Invisibility Technology Could Be Game-Changer for U.S. Troops

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Double Your Money with Just 6 Cents

Today I’m going to show you a little magic trick…

I’ll show you how to double your money by tweaking just a tiny piece of your portfolio.

Sound too good to be true?

Read on to see the “magic portfolio” trick in action…

A “Traditional Portfolio”

Most of us understand…

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Tags: Private markets Startups

IPO Alert: 300,000x Your Money!?

Ever had a 10-bagger before?

In other words, a single investment that returned 10x your money?

How about a 1,000-bagger? That’s enough to turn a tiny investment of $500 into half-a-million dollars.

Or what about a 300,000-bagger? That would turn $500 into $150 million.

Gains like these might seem insane,…

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Tags: Ipo Returns

If You're on This List, Change Your Password Now

Hey, Streaming Services: Enough is Enough!

Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO Max: we’re getting overrun with different streaming services. Here’s the ultimate ranking of these services heading into the new year »

Apple’s Role in Fighting Covid-19

In the near future, you may need to show proof that you’ve received…

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Tags: Bitcoin Nfl