How the Ultra-Rich Make 1,000% Returns

In the early 2000s, The Oakland A’s baseball team did something unexpected:

It started winning.

The reason for its success? It used computer models to build the right team.

No more scouting for talent based on intuition. No more bias against pitchers who threw funny or looked funny. And no…

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Tags: Alternative investments

Facebook’s Got a Top-Secret Division?

The Secretive Billionaire Who Toppled Apple in China

The founder of Chinese smartphone brands Oppo and Vivo is convinced that Tim Cook didn’t have a clue who he was two years ago. My how things have changed »


These Are YCombinator’s 52 New Start-ups

Y Combinator had its…

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Tags: Cyber crime Ycombinator

A Dead Simple Solution for a Better Retirement

In our articles last week, Wayne and I opened up a big can of worms:

The retirement crisis.

As we showed you, the average retiree has next to nothing saved for retirement...

And nearly half of all Americans have nothing saved at all.

But now that we’ve identified the problem,…

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Tags: Retirement

Time To Buy Snapchat

Leonardo DiCaprio Wants to Sell You Some Fish

Celebrity environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio didn’t get enough of the sea during his role in “Titanic.” Now he’s got a new business—and it smells pretty fishy »


Big Tobacco Catches Start-up Fever

For a company that sold more than $26 billion…

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Tags: Snapchat

Three Retirement Killers

Unless you’re independently wealthy or you’re more than 25 years from retirement, you should be worried—very worried.

You see, the average retiree has next to nothing saved for retirement...

And nearly half of all Americans have nothing saved at all.

But what’s even worse is this:

Almost no one is…

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Tags: Retirement Social security

How Much You REALLY Need to Retire

Most workers in the U.S. retire between the ages of 60 and 65.

So what you’ll read next might come as a surprise:

The average 50-year-old has less than $50,000 saved for retirement…

And 45% of Americans have nothing saved at all. Zero!

What’s your situation? Do you have enough?

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Tags: Retirement

How Bestselling Author James Altucher Profits From Trends...

How Bestselling Author James Altucher Profits From Trends…

Former hedge fund manager James Altucher’s new book, “Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth” is essentially all about money: making it, growing it, keeping it, in America today. It’s about building wealth, investing, business, and finance. James tells readers how staying on…

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Tags: Indicators Tesla

Is Bitcoin Gold 2.0?

Last Friday marked a major milestone for bitcoin investors.

Not only did the digital currency reach an all-time high of $1,293 (a 313% increase in just 12 months)...

But for the first time ever, bitcoin became more valuable than one of the most stable and valuable commodities in the world:…

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Tags: Bitcoin Ether Ethereum

Peter Lynch's #1 Rule for Start-up Investing

A few years ago, a middle-aged guy named Jeremy heard about a new start-up.

He didn’t fully understand what the company did, but he thought it had potential—so he made a small investment in it.

Long story short: every $5,000 he invested turned into $1.25 million.

Today, I’ll tell you…

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Tags: Peter lynch Snapchat