The #1 Secret of the World’s Healthiest People

China Identifies Citizens Based on How They Walk

China doesn’t care much about protecting its citizens’ privacy. As one tech CEO said, “You don't need people's cooperation for us to be able to recognize their identity.” Is the U.S. next? »

Save the World with Your Pee!

The contents…

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Tags: China Wearable technology

This Body Piercing Can Solve All Your Problems

Strap this on and Become a Rocketman

If you’re dreaming of going to space, but you can’t stomach the $250,000 price tag for a Virgin Galactic flight, now you’ve got another option. It even comes with an official instructor. Blast off here »

Michael Jackson Stole Your Old Computer

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Tags: Jetpack Tesla

Careful — This App Could Get You Fired

Would You Wear These Special Glasses?

Google’s “smart” glasses looked so hideous that no one bought them. But now a new startup has created a futuristic pair of frames that are smart and fashionable. Check ‘em out »

Now You Can Sail on the Titanic

It’s time to dust…

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Tags: Drones Google

MIT Predicts End of the World by 2040

Drink Beer — While You Can Still Afford It

A recent report suggests that it won’t be long before the world runs out of barley, beer’s key ingredient. To read more, grab a cold one and click here »

[Video]: This Robot Dances Better than You

To show off…

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Tags: Robots Walmart

U.S. Nuclear Weapon System Just Got Hacked

Facebook is Following You

Facebook’s new tech gadget features a motion-activated camera that can follow you around a room. For a company trying to win back the trust of its users after some nasty data breaches, this is a curious move. Will you trust this thing? »

Your New…

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Tags: Facebook Virtual reality

Facebook Might Owe You $8,000

This Treat Could Help Dementia Patients

After his grandmother was rushed to the hospital due to dehydration, Lewis Hornby decided to create a water-based treat. As it turns out, his invention might help those suffering from dementia. Read more here »

Did You Get a Text Message from the…

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Tags: Facebook Spotify

See what I found on sale at Amazon: A cure for death!

“Alexa, Make Me Some Popcorn”

Alexa already has control over your TV, music, and thermostat. Wait until you see what this popular digital assistant is planning to cook up next »

This Bionic Eye Gives You Super Powers 

Researchers have built a bionic eye that could restore sight…

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Tags: Amazon Volkswagen

Walmart Selling Bitcoin for $1

How Not to Rob a Bank

In 1958, Boyne Johnston got away with robbing a bank. 60 years later, he returned to the scene of his crime. Wait until you see why »

Now Amazon Delivers Trees

You’ve got a couple of choices this holiday season. First, like Clark…

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Tags: Amazon Bitcoin

Revolutionary Device Fulfills Bible Prophecy

This Technology Can Teach You How to Dance

Do you struggle to get your groove on? With the help of Artificial Intelligence, you’ll be moving like Michael Jackson in no time. Get the scoop here »

This Elevator Takes Nine Days to Reach the Top

Even at 125 miles…

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Tags: Marijuana Space