The Next President of the United States Is…

This App Can Detect Spying Devices

Ever get concerned that someone is listening to your conversations? Now you can prove that someone’s listening. Get the app »

Here’s What Banks Really Do with Your Money

Banks have access to huge piles of our money. What exactly do they do…

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Tags: 2020 election Apple

This Drone Could Stop the Coronavirus

The World’s Most Exclusive App

How’d you like a custom-built racetrack, or tickets to a private performance by the New York Philharmonic? For users of a certain app, it’s all possible. See if you’re eligible here »

MIT’s “Breakthrough Technologies” for 2020

Each year, MIT reveals the 10 new…

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Tags: Coronavirus Rolls royce

Wish You Were Taller? This Procedure Will Help

“Alexa, Stop Eavesdropping on Me”

Ever get paranoid that Alexa is listening to a sensitive conversation you’re having? Worry no more. Just slip on this “Bracelet of Silence.” Learn more here »

Amazon Starts Selling Actual Trash

Buyer beware. That “brand new” item you found on Amazon might have…

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Tags: Amazon Video games

Bring Your Loved Ones Back to Life

Your Old iPod May Be Worth a Fortune

Got an old iPhone or iPod stashed in a drawer? It might be able to collect more than just dust. Get the scoop here »

Conquering Outer Space Just Became Very Real

Elon Musk aims to make space travel as easy…

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Tags: Ipod Outer space

This T-Shirt Can Fix Your Golf Swing

An Ice-Cream Cone? No, an Ice-Cream Drone

Forgot about chasing down an ice-cream truck. Here’s an easy way to get just what you’re craving. Get the “scoop” here »

This Super Bowl Ad Terrified Me

Google’s Super Bowl ad featured an old man trying to remember his late wife.…

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Tags: Elon musk Google

U.S. Gov't Is Trying To Break Into Your Phone

With this Technology, You Can Scale Walls Like Spider-Man

Researchers in China have developed technology that literally lets you scale walls. See it in action here »

Your Fitness Tracker Is Lying To You

Millions of Americans wear Apple watches and Fitbits to monitor their physical activity. But as…

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Tags: Fitness tracker Iphone

Can Netflix Cure Medical Issues?

The Weirdest Gadgets From CES

From an air-conditioned baseball cap to “smart” pajamas, check out the best (and strangest) gadgets from CES 2020 »

Billionaire Seeks Companion for Trip of a Lifetime

Entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa is seeking a “special someone” to enjoy the billionaire lifestyle. For starters, that includes…

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Tags: Ces Netflix

Alexa Wants To See You in the Shower

You Could Save Lives… By Being Spied On

Researchers at MIT believe your smartphone holds the key to stopping the spread of infectious disease. You just need to give up your privacy. Are you willing? »

#1 Way To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Researchers recently studied 23 techniques…

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Tags: Alexa Vacation homes