This Hamster is Outperforming the S&P 500

Amazon’s New Robot Is Spying on You

Amazon just unveiled “Astro,” a robot built to help around the house. But with all its sensors and cameras, it may just be the company’s most sinister surveillance device yet. Learn more »

This Paint Can Eliminate Your Air-Conditioning Bills

With a…

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Tags: Facebook Hamster

This Beer is Illegal in 15 States

A Juicy Steak — from a Vending Machine?

Originally, they sold candy, cigarettes, and sodas. Today they offer everything from headphones to cars. What’s next for vending machines? A juicy ribeye »

The Science Behind that “New Car” Smell

It ranks among the best scents in the world, up…

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Tags: Iphone 13 Vending machines

Giant Panther Set Loose at NFL Game

Get Paid $1,300 to Watch Movies

How scary are the scariest horror movies? One company intends to find out. That’s why it’s searching for someone to be its “Horror Movie Heart Rate Analyst.” Interested? »

Boost Your Productivity by Being Lazy

Inc. Magazine recently surveyed CEOs of America’s fastest-growing…

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Tags: Amazon Mixed reality

[LEAKED]: Apple iPhone 13

Your Old Baseball Cards Are Worth a Fortune

Collectors have been piling into eBay so they can access a fast-growing $5 billion market. The thing is, you may have exactly what they’re paying top-dollar for. See if profits await you »

This Man Got a Free Corvette from the…

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Tags: Corvette Iphone

This Robot Lives INSIDE You

These Ads Are in Outer Space

If you ever make it to space, here’s something that’ll make it feel just like home: advertisements! Get the scoop »

This Battery Runs on Sweat

No pain, no gain. No sweat, no… power? That’s the idea behind a new battery. Learn…

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Tags: Batteries Robots

Would You Take These "Digital Drugs"?

This Space Discovery Could Make You Richer than Bezos

Jeff Bezos is worth nearly $200 billion. But if NASA’s latest discovery pans out, you (and everyone else on Earth) could surpass that level of wealth in five years. Here’s how »

Hacker Gets Big Job Offer from Company He…

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Tags: Boston dynamics Hackers

Scientists Create New Dog Breed

Cyber Criminals’ New Favorite Target

People say “old folks” are too naive, and too susceptible to online scams. But the FBI says old folks are doing just fine. Instead, it’s this other group that’s a problem »

Ready to Bank with Walmart?

Traditional banks were already facing intense competition…

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Tags: Lucille ball Mars

Why Are Kids Faking Positive Covid-19 Tests?

Zoom Was Naughty — Now It Might Owe You Money

Zoom’s popularity skyrocketed last year. But as it turns out, the company wasn’t being a good citizen. And now, to make things right, it might need to put some money in your pocket. Get the scoop »

The Startup…

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Tags: Facebook Smart homes

Why Does this Perfume Smell Like Gas?

Take a Look at these Pandemic Tattoos

2020 was a historic year. Perhaps that’s why so many people are getting something special to remember everything that happened. Get the scoop »

This MIT Robot Will Get You Dressed in the Morning

Sometimes, even everyday tasks like getting dressed can…

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Tags: Cancer Mit