New Report Sounds Alarm...

I just read a frightening research report.

It was written by the leading research firm in the world, so it’s tough to refute.

First it explains why investors like you have earned such exceptional returns over the past 30 years—then it explains why those days are over.

But there’s some…

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Tags: End of-the-stock-market Non correlated-assets

One Thing Successful Start-ups Have in Common

Many things can help make an early-stage company successful…

From creating the right product at the right time (like Uber), to creating an inspiring advertising campaign (like Apple’s “1984” commercial for the Macintosh.)

But if you dig deeper, you’ll find one variable that’s always there:

A successful start-up has the…

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Tags: Founders Start up-investing

Three Investing Myths – Debunked

When it comes to investing, we’ve been lied to for nearly a century.

We’ve been told that if we take the investment path that’s “tried and true,” we’ll be able to retire comfortably, right on time.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

And today…

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Tags: Early stage-investing Stock market

Skin in the Game

Skin in the game.

Some investment newsletters have it...

Other don’t.

You see, while some newsletters make a big show about investing in the ideas they recommend, others insist on staying on the sidelines.

For many newsletters—and for investors like you—this topic inspires great debate:

Newsletters that invest could be…

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Tags: Investment newsletters

Get Rich With Just $100?

Several weeks ago, I caught a game with some buddies at Yankee Stadium.

After buying tickets, some BBQ from Brother Jimmy’s, and a few rounds of Buds, we spent about $100 each.

The Yankees won and we had a blast.

Back in the office early the next morning, I reviewed…

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Tags: Equity crowdfunding The jobs-act

Avoiding the "Oh, S#*t!" Investment

There’s an expression in the private markets…

It’s called the “Oh, S#*t!” moment.

As one prominent investor described it, “That’s when you learn all sorts of things that you wish you’d known [before] writing a company that first check.”

In other words, it’s when you realize you shouldn’t…

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Tags: Due diligence Kauffman study

Unique System Averages 27% Gains Per Year

Last week, you saw what can happen when you invest in the right start-ups:

With Elio Motors, investors made 330% in 30 days …

With Zenefits, they turned $1,000 into $500,000…

And with Uber, a fortunate few made 60,000% on their money—turning every $1,000 they invested into $6 million.


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Tags: Diversification Title iii

161 "Rags to Riches" Opportunities

Do you like a good “rags to riches” story?

I hope so, because today I’ve got 161 of them for you—and thanks to some recent trends in the world of start-up investing, your story could be next.

Let me explain:

When a start-up is just getting off the ground, it…

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Tags: Unicorns

Prices Down 20% - Time To Buy

Three weeks ago, I wrote to you with a bold prediction:

Based on over three decades of research, I explained why right now is one of the best times to start investing in the private markets.

As it turns out, we’re already seeing evidence that this prediction was accurate...


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Tags: Dave mcclure Prediction