Retire from just ONE Investment

Two weeks before we started sheltering in place, our friend Aitio dropped by the office.

He stops by a few times a year to say hello.

He wasn’t exactly in the neighborhood. But with his brand-new BMW X7 SUV and a full-time driver, he doesn’t mind traveling to different parts…

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Tags: Retirement Startups

Can't Sleep? Grab a Pepsi

This Bionic Eye Could Be a Miracle

Doctors are preparing to perform a groundbreaking new surgery. If successful, it could restore vision to the blind. Learn more here »

How Long Would it Take You to Read the Entire Internet?

What if someone could read the entire contents…

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Tags: Pepsi Will smith

The $300,000 Solution

As we’ve been explaining recently, America is in big trouble right now.

  • The coronavirus is still raging across the country.
  • 30 million people have filed for unemployment.
  • And even with a vaccine in the works, it could be years before this crisis is under control.

The thing is,…

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Tags: America Startups

Make America WORK Again

It’s a vicious circle.

As Wayne and I explained in our columns last week:

  • Because of Covid-19, unemployment is going through the roof…
  • Because people aren’t working, they’re not spending money…
  • And because people aren’t spending money, companies are going out of business — which in turn, creates more…

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Tags: America Covid 19

Forget TikTok — This is the "Spy" App You Should Fear

The New First Class — Ride Inside the Wing

An experimental jetliner took flight recently. Instead of sitting in the cabin, passengers sit inside the wing. Thrill seekers can click here »

Facebook’s New Tech Can Supercharge Your Memory

Facebook helps you remember family vacations and long-lost friends. Now…

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Tags: Facebook Nfl

Ignore this at your own risk (Part 2)…

Yesterday, Matt told you about a serious problem we’re all facing:


You see, whether you’re out of work…

Worried about keeping your job…

Or even if you’re already retired…

This problem could have dire consequences for you — and for the entire country.

Simply put, no matter who you…

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Tags: America Unemployment

Ignore This at Your Own Risk…

We’ve got a problem here, a problem with the economy.

And this affects you — no matter how much (or how little) you have stashed away.

Today I’ll explain what the problem is.

Then we’ll start to explain how it’s going to affect your investments…

And most importantly, we’ll show…

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Tags: Jobs Unemployment

Has Elon Musk Finally Snapped?

Get Paid $1,900 to Do Nothing

Do you enjoy doing absolutely nothing? Convince this university it’s true — and you’ll earn $1,900. Get the details here »

FBI Reveals Terrifying Problem with Doorbell Cameras

Doorbell cameras are intended to protect homeowners against burglars and thieves. But as the FBI…

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Tags: Elon musk Joe biden

Get Ready to Retire Rich

As Matt explained yesterday, the government recently handed investors like you a big gift…

For the first time in nearly a century, it’s made it easier for all investors — regardless of income or net worth — to invest in the private markets.

This was a big step for the…

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Tags: Nest egg Retirement

The Gov't Wants You To Invest in Startups

Did you see the news last week?

The U.S. government gave investors like you a kick in the pants.

“Get out there and invest in startups!” it seemed to be saying. “Make some money!”

Today I’ll explain the news…

Then I’ll show you how it could potentially help you pocket…

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Tags: Government Startups